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Operating Room is planned within a complex which has a pre operative area where the patient is prepared for the intervention, the area where the intervention takes place (Operating Room) and a post operative area (Recovery). This recovery is then connected to a surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU), before the patient is shifted back to a general room from where he is finally discharged. It is also recommended to have a dirty corridor on the other side of the sterile corridor to prevent the mixing of dirty and sterile supplies inside the OR.

Any Operating Room has the following features and products:

Seamless walls, ceilings and floor.This is a basic feature requirement to prevent growth of microbes inside OR. Apart from this the other features include

Heating Venting & Air Conditioning – Laminar Air Flow

Each OR should have an individual Air Handling Unit, which will have a provision for taking in return air duct from the OR, fresh air intake, mixing chamber, cooling coil section, fan and motor section, fine filter section and supply duct. HEPA filters will be placed at the terminal end inside the Plenum which will be made of either SS 304 or extruded Aluminium. All ductings, supply and return ducts should be constructed from Aluminium only. While the supply will be through a plenum installed in the centre ceiling of the OR, the return ducts would be taken from the bottom four corners of the OR. Some of the AHU’s also have UV box at the supply end of the unit.

It is recommended to have 30 air exchanges with 5 fresh air exchanges for super specialty ORs and 25 air exchanges with 4 fresh air exchanges for General ORs. Fresh air intake is done by installing a backward curve blower inside the AHU. It is always recommended to have 100% fresh air exchanges for Septic OR (these AHUs will not have provision to take return air back from the OR). Surgeons Control Panel: Which will record all the critical parameters during the surgery including time, humidity, temperature inside the room, HEPA filter status (optional), differential pressure inside and outside the room, medical gas status, hands free telephone, control of peripheral lights etc.