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Laparoscopic surgeries


Common Laparoscopic procedures in gynaecology are :

  1. Total laparoscopic hysterectomy
  2. Laparoscopic Myomectomy
  3. Laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy
  4. Laparoscopy for endometriosis
  5. Laparoscopic oophorectomy
  6. Laparoscopic salpingectomy
  7. Laparoscopy for ectopic pregnancy
  8. Laparoscopic adenomyomectomy
  9. Laparoscopic surgery for cancer endometrium
  10. Diagnostic laparoscopy in Infertility
  11. Laparoscopic vaginoplasty

How does one prepare for any laparoscopic surgery:

These are the few guidelines while getting ready for any laparoscopic surgery

  1. Avoid wearing jewellery
  2. Wear loose fitting clothes
  3. Generally, patients are asked to remain empty stomach six hours before surgery
  4. Do not wear nail polish on the day of surgery
  5. Wear comfortable shoes on the day of Surgery

What happens during the procedure?

Laparoscopic surgeries are keyhole surgeries where after giving an anaesthaesia the surgeon puts 3 to 4 small 5 to 15 mm cuts on the abdomen. Laparoscope is introduced through one of the cuts and other cuts are used for passing instruments. After the surgery is done , all the instruments along with laparoscope are taken out of these cuts. These cuts are then stitched or plastered for a cosmetic closure.

In most of the laparoscopic surgeries, the patient can be discharged within 12 to 48hrs.

Post-operative care

There is not much post-operative care with laparoscopic surgeries. Generally, in most of the cases, the recovery time is 24 hours to 10 days depending upon the type of surgery

  • Avoiding weightlifting for six weeks
  • Light food for six weeks
  • Walking and movement helps in faster recovery

Patients are allowed back to work after 2 to 7 days.

Complications of laparoscopic surgeries:

laparoscopic surgeries should be done by skilled and well trained surgeons because the surgeries can cause major life threatening complications, if not done by trained hands.

Common problems are :

need for open surgery, bleeding, infection, injury to other organs ,or revisit to the operating room for managing complications.